Thursday, October 14, 2010

Help From An Old Hollywood Friend

From McGurk:

I have a neighbor we became very friendly with about a year ago. He was a nightclub performer, movie and TV actor, singer, did voice over work and wrote for some big TV shows. He tells me that, even in the 50's and 60's, he was quite alone as a Conservative in Hollywood. I thought I'd pass along this message from T. Howard:

The 2010 mid-term election gives the voter the easiest and clearest choice they have had in years. We all know that one extra Democrat vote gave President Obama a 60 seat majority, allowing him to give us bailouts, take-overs, "healthcare" and whatever he wished.

And so, a vote for any Democrat can give us the continuation of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the erratic actions of Barack Obama. If you're happy with that group you should vote Democrat.

If you want to end rule by Pelosi, Reid, and stop Obama from his devouring conquest of all-out power you vote Republican. We have seen how the Ol' Boy Democrats deal with bright young Republican women. They know they can't beat the women who will fight against higher taxes and the Democrat build-up of more debt for their children and grand-children and so, they use gutter smear tactics.

They call Christine O'Donnell of Delaware a witch. They call Sharron Angle of Nevada a looney-bird, Jerry Brown and his group call one of the brightest and most successful women in business, Meg Whitman of California, a whore. And now Sarah Palin, mother of five, is receiving death threats. But what you never hear is how Senator Barbara Boxer of California fleeced the postal service of  out of $25,000 and is a convicted felon. You only hear smears against her Republican opponent, another bright and successful business woman, Carly Fiorina, who knows how to create jobs. People forget that Jerry Brown was governor seventeen years ago and that he and Barbara Boxer were the start of California's downfall.

We also have seen President Obama show a complete disregard for the Congress of the United States, picking unconfirmed czars and nationalizing business industries by executive order. The only similar actions in this hemisphere have been carried out by communist dictators, Fidel Castro and Cesar Chavez.

It may be your vote that can save this country.

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